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Emergency Safety Interventions

The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is committed to serving students with a variety of needs.  Regardless of identified student needs, any student at some point in time could manifest problem behaviors.  Creating a safe and faith filled environment for all our students is our primary concern. Through the implementation best practices, prevention and de-escalation strategies most behaviors are able to be addressed without incident.    However, on extremely rare occasions, a student's behavior may escalate to the point where the student's actions may present an immediate potential for causing harm to persons or property.   Every effort should be made to address the behavioral needs of a student to prevent the need for the use of Emergency Safety Interventions (seclusion and restraint). 

Effective April 19, 2013, Kansas law requires that any learning environment, including non public schools, put into place policies and procedures for the use of Emergency Safety Interventions for all students.  The only time the use of seclusion or physical restraint is permitted in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Catholic Schools is when a student presents an immediate danger to himself or others or when the student's behavior is so violent it results in the destruction of property.  The use of ESI should be discontinued the moment immediate danger has passed. 

Physical restraint means bodily force used to substantially limit a student's movements.  The use of prone (face down), supine (face up), physical restraint that obstructs the airway of a student, or any physical restraint that impacts a student's primary mode of communication is PROHIBITED.  Chemical restraint and mechanical restraint (with the exception of law enforcement officers carrying out their duties) is PROHIBITED in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Catholic Schools.

In order to use physical restraint (standing or seated) with a student, a school employee should be trained to ensure the safe use of this behavior intervention strategy.  The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas has chosen the Safe Crisis Management (SCM) program.  Karen Kroh, Associate Superintendent for Student Services, is a certified trainer in SCM and is available to train school employees as requested by the principal. 

Physical restraint does not include physical escort (temporary touching or holding the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back of a student who is acting out, for the purpose of inducing the student to walk to a safe location). 

Seclusion, when used with a student, means ALL of the following conditions are met:

1.The student is placed in an enclosed area by school personnel.

2.The student is purposefully isolated from adults and peers.

3.The student is prevented from leaving, or reasonably believes that the student will be prevented from leaving, the enclosed area.

No student may be put in seclusion unless supervised by a school employee at all times.

Time-out is not seclusion.  Time out is defined in the regulations as a behavioral intervention in which the student is temporarily removed from a learning activity without being confined.

In-school suspension is not seclusion.  In-school suspension does not involve the student being isolated from adults and peers and thus does not meet the definition of seclusion. 

In the event a parent is concerned about the use or implementation of Emergency Safety Interventions on their child, the parent has the right to file a formal complaint with the Principal, Pastor or School President.  Upon receipt of a complaint, the Principal or President will schedule a hearing. 

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